The Traditional Pancake Memorial Day Breakfast sponsored by Park United Methodist will be occurring this year on Monday, May 27 from 8 AM until 11 AM at the church at 30 N Lake St, North East, Pa. Pancakes and sausage will be served in the fellowship hall. The breakfast is free, any donations will go to fund…… MORE
“Sending You a Little Christmas ” at Park United Methodist Church, 30 North Lake Street in North East. Refreshments will follow in the church fellowship hall. Donations will benefit local non-profits.… MORE
Click here to find out more!… MORE
A Shared Heritage invites you to discover key people, places, and events associated with the history of African Americans in Erie County, Pennsylvania, and learn how they contribute to the economic, political, and cultural broader story of our region. Sites on the Driving Tour include both existing structures as well as locations where physical evidence…… MORE
Since 1974, Waterford has been celebrating its history, heritage, and citizens with a variety of community celebrations. Once again this year, Waterford Heritage Days will be organized by the Fort LeBoeuf Historical Society.… MORE
There are so many programs for all ages – year round, and most of them are FREE! Click here to see what’s going on at Presque Isle State Park! Click here to see what’s going on at Erie Bluffs State Park!… MORE
Programs from the recent Jefferson Global Summit XII Digital Summit speaker series are now available for live streaming on demand on the Jefferson Educational Society website, JESerie.org, and the Jefferson’s YouTube channel. All programs are free and available on the sites. The Jefferson hosted the free digital speaker series over a three-week period from May 10…… MORE
Bird watchers of all ages are invited to the TREC anytime between 9AM and 12PM to contribute to real-time science research by helping count the birds visiting our feeders. No registration. Free.… MORE